Axle: New Tab Dashboard & Bookmark Manager

Transform your new tab page into a beautiful customizable dashboard and easy-to-use bookmark manager.

¿Qué es Axle: New Tab Dashboard & Bookmark Manager?

Axle: New Tab Dashboard & Bookmark Manager es una extensión de Chrome desarrollada por Eric Chen, y su función principal es "Transform your new tab page into a beautiful customizable dashboard and easy-to-use bookmark manager.".

Capturas de Pantalla de la Extensión


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Instrucciones de Uso de la Extensión

                        Say hello to your new beautiful new tab page! Axle is a bookmark manager that also transforms your new tab page into your personal landing and takeoff spot for Google Chrome. It has been carefully designed to be simple, clean, and easy to use. Give it a spin!

• Create, edit, and re-order bookmarks on your New Tab page.
• Organize your bookmarks into folders.
• Take notes.
• Customize your background image.
• Quickly add a bookmark from any web page.

Questions / suggestions / comments / anything else?
• I'd love to hear from you! Feel free to leave a comment under "Reviews" or "Support", or email me directly at

About the Permissions:

We do *not* collect any personal information or data you store within Axle.

🔒Replace the page you see when opening a new tab
• This is why you installed this chrome extension, right? :)

🔒Read your browsing history
• This is required to fetch information about the tabs you have currently open, so you can conveniently add bookmarks from the new tab page.
• How is this related to browsing history? Being able to see which tabs you have open means we can theoretically save all of your tab information all the time, so we could theoretically begin recording your browsing history. But rest assured, we don't!                    

Información Básica de la Extensión

Nombre Axle: New Tab Dashboard & Bookmark Manager Axle: New Tab Dashboard & Bookmark Manager
ID emdkiniaoljcedckfnpmpgbpdophfmdk
URL Oficial
Descripción Transform your new tab page into a beautiful customizable dashboard and easy-to-use bookmark manager.
Tamaño del Archivo 13.15 MB
Cantidad de Instalaciones 94
Versión Actual 2.1.1
Última Actualización 2020-05-17
Fecha de Publicación 2020-05-17
Calificación 4.88/5 Total de 8 Calificaciones
Desarrollador Eric Chen
Correo electrónico
Tipo de Pago free
URL de la Página de Política de Privacidad
Idiomas Soportados en
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