Email Exporter
Extract all email addresses and phone numbers in a web page.
Qu'est-ce que Email Exporter ?
Email Exporter est une extension Chrome développée par, et sa fonction principale est "Extract all email addresses and phone numbers in a web page.".
Captures d'Écran de l'Extension
Télécharger le fichier CRX de l'extension Email Exporter
Téléchargez les fichiers d'extension Email Exporter au format crx, installez manuellement les extensions Chrome dans le navigateur ou partagez les fichiers crx avec des amis pour installer facilement les extensions Chrome.
Instructions d'Utilisation de l'Extension
Extract all email addresses and phone numbers in a web page. Simple and easy web page extractor. * Extract all email addresses in a page. * Extract all phone numbers in a page. * Export results to a text file. * Copy results to clipboard. * Append captured data across pages and tabs. * Search through HTML or text of the page for contacts. * Add custom regular expressions to capture data. * Save results to a file or post them to a URL with authentication. * Quick and easy extractor! Simply click the extension icon to automatically extract all email addresses and phone numbers displayed on the current web page. Email Exporter can be configured to look in the html or the text for matching data. It can also append captured data across web pages and tabs. Check-mark the option to append, then visit multiple pages or tabs, open the extension to extract, and automatically grow your list even bigger. Then save all of the results at once! To save your results, simply export them to a text file (with the option to append to any existing results), copy them to the clipboard and paste them anywhere you want, or post them to a secure URL to process the collected data with your own API.
Informations de Base sur l'Extension
Nom | Email Exporter |
ID | ecnfbegpagpeocjegnecbifjepfcpnhe |
URL Officiel | |
Description | Extract all email addresses and phone numbers in a web page. |
Taille du Fichier | 203 KB |
Nombre d'Installations | 30,946 |
Version Actuelle | 2.4 |
Dernière Mise à Jour | 2024-01-27 |
Date de Publication | 2020-05-31 |
Évaluation | 3.90/5 Total 59 Évaluations |
Développeur | |
[email protected] | |
Type de Paiement | free |
URL de la Page de Politique de Confidentialité | |
Langues Prises en Charge | en-US |
manifest.json | |
{ "update_url": "https:\/\/\/service\/update2\/crx", "name": "Email Exporter", "version": "2.4", "manifest_version": 3, "description": "Extract all email addresses and phone numbers in a web page.", "background": { "service_worker": "scripts\/background.js" }, "action": { "default_icon": { "38": "images\/icon-38.png" }, "default_title": "Email Exporter", "default_popup": "popup.html" }, "permissions": [ "activeTab", "storage" ], "content_scripts": [ { "matches": [ "http:\/\/*\/*", "https:\/\/*\/*" ], "js": [ "scripts\/content.js" ], "run_at": "document_start" } ], "icons": { "48": "images\/icon-48x48.png", "128": "images\/icon-128x128.png" } } |