Bookee - Instant Bookmark Manager

Browse, search and share your Bookmarks with screenshots and thumbnails!

Bookee - Instant Bookmark Manager क्या है?

Bookee - Instant Bookmark Manager द्वारा विकसित एक क्रोम एक्सटेंशन है, और इसकी मुख्य विशेषता है "Browse, search and share your Bookmarks with screenshots and thumbnails!"।

एक्सटेंशन स्क्रीनशॉट्स


एक्सएक्स एक्सटेंशन CRX फ़ाइल डाउनलोड करें

crx प्रारूप में Bookee - Instant Bookmark Manager एक्सटेंशन फ़ाइलें डाउनलोड करें, ब्राउज़र में क्रोम एक्सटेंशन को मैन्युअल रूप से स्थापित करें या दोस्तों के साथ crx फ़ाइलों को साझा करें ताकि क्रोम एक्सटेंशन को आसानी से स्थापित किया जा सके।

एक्सटेंशन उपयोग निर्देश


Here are a few things that Bookee does to make your life easier:
- ⚡️ Loads instantly on any tab as you browse
- 🔎 Shows better search results
- 🏞 Shows you a thumbnail of each bookmark
- ⌨️ Adds shortcut keys (like "Command + e" to edit a bookmark)
- 🍿 Let's you watch any YouTube bookmarked videos right away
- 🤝 Share your bookmarks and folders with your team (coming soon)
- 🔗 Add collections of links for quick access (coming soon)

We all use our Bookmarks and Bookmarks Tab. But it can get super-busy: too many bookmarks, and losing track of what we've bookmarked.

Bookee was designed to access and search through your bookmarks instantly: just press the "Command + Shift + k" shortcut, and Bookee will pop right up.

Start typing to instantly search through your bookmarks, and then press the Enter key to open that bookmark in a new tab.

Here's what Bookee will *not* do:
- 🚫 It will *not* share your data with any third party sites
- 🚫 It will *not* export your bookmarks to any servers
- 🚫 It will *not* be a closed system. We will be open sourcing it soon 🙂                    

एक्सटेंशन की मूल जानकारी

नाम Bookee - Instant Bookmark Manager Bookee - Instant Bookmark Manager
ID akoaofleglimjejcdodgocaicfjbmhkc
आधिकारिक URL
विवरण Browse, search and share your Bookmarks with screenshots and thumbnails!
फ़ाइल का आकार 1.03 MB
स्थापना संख्या 697
वर्तमान संस्करण 1.1.23
अंतिम अपडेट 2024-01-23
प्रकाशन तिथि 2022-01-05
रेटिंग 4.27/5 कुल 11 रेटिंग्स
ईमेल [email protected]
भुगतान के प्रकार free
एक्सटेंशन वेबसाइट
गोपनीयता नीति पृष्ठ URL
समर्थित भाषाएँ en
    "update_url": "https:\/\/\/service\/update2\/crx",
    "name": "Bookee - Instant Bookmark Manager",
    "short_name": "bookee",
    "description": "Browse, search and share your Bookmarks with screenshots and thumbnails!",
    "homepage_url": "https:\/\/\/extensions\/bookee\/",
    "version": "1.1.23",
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