podStation Podcast Player
A free/libre and open-source (FLOSS) podcast aggregator for Chrome
podStation Podcast Player क्या है?
podStation Podcast Player https://podstation.github.io द्वारा विकसित एक क्रोम एक्सटेंशन है, और इसकी मुख्य विशेषता है "A free/libre and open-source (FLOSS) podcast aggregator for Chrome"।
एक्सटेंशन स्क्रीनशॉट्स
एक्सएक्स एक्सटेंशन CRX फ़ाइल डाउनलोड करें
crx प्रारूप में podStation Podcast Player एक्सटेंशन फ़ाइलें डाउनलोड करें, ब्राउज़र में क्रोम एक्सटेंशन को मैन्युअल रूप से स्थापित करें या दोस्तों के साथ crx फ़ाइलों को साझा करें ताकि क्रोम एक्सटेंशन को आसानी से स्थापित किया जा सके।
एक्सटेंशन उपयोग निर्देश
podStation is a simple RSS podcast aggregator (or should I say a podcatcher?). Just add your feeds in the main page or use the search tool and be happy. Features: * Global media control support * Fully functional audio player, it plays in background and offers control over the playback rate (speed), both faster and slower. * Continuous play, go directly to the next episode when the current one ends. * Playlist * Podcast search (using Digital Podcast, iTunes and Podcastindex.org) * Import your feeds from OPML files * Detects feeds in pages you visit (the icon will change when a feed is found) * Synchronize your data using your google account and use it in any Chrome instance, like at home and work (it syncs feed list, episode progress, player options and playlist) * Integration with the Screen Shader extension (https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/screen-shader/fmlboobidmkelggdainpknloccojpppi) Note on permissions: * "Read and modify all your data on all websites you visit" - That is necessary for us to download the RSS feeds and detect feeds in websites. We do not read YOUR data from any web site, nor do we modify it. This is a work in progress, if you find issues or have feature requests, please let us know through the About page of the extension or the report bug function. iTunes is a trademark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.
एक्सटेंशन की मूल जानकारी
नाम | podStation Podcast Player |
ID | bpcagekijmfcocgjlnnhpdogbplajjfn |
आधिकारिक URL | https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/podstation-podcast-player/bpcagekijmfcocgjlnnhpdogbplajjfn |
विवरण | A free/libre and open-source (FLOSS) podcast aggregator for Chrome |
फ़ाइल का आकार | 1.08 MB |
स्थापना संख्या | 43,161 |
वर्तमान संस्करण | 1.47.6 |
अंतिम अपडेट | 2024-02-19 |
प्रकाशन तिथि | 2020-04-04 |
रेटिंग | 4.68/5 कुल 403 रेटिंग्स |
डेवलपर | https://podstation.github.io |
ईमेल | [email protected] |
भुगतान के प्रकार | free |
एक्सटेंशन वेबसाइट | https://podstation.github.io/ |
सहायता पृष्ठ URL | https://github.com/podStation/podStation#support |
गोपनीयता नीति पृष्ठ URL | https://github.com/podStation/podStation/blob/master/docs/privacy-policy.md |
समर्थित भाषाएँ | en,nl,pt-BR |
manifest.json | |
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