Comic Reader
Read your comic books quickly from Google Drive or local computer.
Comic Reader क्या है?
Comic Reader Free Apps द्वारा विकसित एक क्रोम एक्सटेंशन है, और इसकी मुख्य विशेषता है "Read your comic books quickly from Google Drive or local computer."।
एक्सटेंशन स्क्रीनशॉट्स
एक्सएक्स एक्सटेंशन CRX फ़ाइल डाउनलोड करें
crx प्रारूप में Comic Reader एक्सटेंशन फ़ाइलें डाउनलोड करें, ब्राउज़र में क्रोम एक्सटेंशन को मैन्युअल रूप से स्थापित करें या दोस्तों के साथ crx फ़ाइलों को साझा करें ताकि क्रोम एक्सटेंशन को आसानी से स्थापित किया जा सके।
एक्सटेंशन उपयोग निर्देश
View your comics quickly from Google Drive or your hard drive. Want to read your comics online today? Simply install the software Comic Viewer today. Read the most popular comic books on your computer. This extension supports file formats such as .cbr, .cbz Our software loads the comics instantly and allows you to begin reading your comics within minutes. Enjoy the wonderful graphics of comics from your Chrome browser and read your favorite cartoons and comic books today using our software. Install the software Comic Viewer Choose the comic you wish to open which is using .cbr or .cbz file Begin reading This software is 100% free and can open comic files not just from your computer, it also supports Google Drive as well. Start reading your comics online now! Disclaimer: Please note this extension is NOT made by Google and is made by an independent development team. All copyrights belong to their respective owners. Google doesn’t endorse or sponsor this Chrome extension. Comic Viewer is not owned by, is not licensed by and is not a subsidiary of Google Inc.
एक्सटेंशन की मूल जानकारी
नाम | Comic Reader |
ID | jooecobldlegpghclacjgiainhpakmbp |
आधिकारिक URL | |
विवरण | Read your comic books quickly from Google Drive or local computer. |
फ़ाइल का आकार | 1.1 MB |
स्थापना संख्या | 5,870 |
वर्तमान संस्करण | 3.0.0 |
अंतिम अपडेट | 2023-01-14 |
प्रकाशन तिथि | 2020-05-07 |
रेटिंग | 4.04/5 कुल 56 रेटिंग्स |
डेवलपर | Free Apps |
ईमेल | [email protected] |
भुगतान के प्रकार | free |
गोपनीयता नीति पृष्ठ URL | |
समर्थित भाषाएँ | id,ms,de,en,en-US,fil,fr,nl,no,vi,tr,ca,da,et,es,hr,it,lv,lt,hu,pl,ro,sk,sl,fi,sv,cs,el,sr,bg,ru,uk,iw,fa,hi,th,ar,zh-CN,zh-TW,ja,ko |
manifest.json | |
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