Hipinion Paster

Automatically generate bbcode when you paste links into a hipinion post. Users can hide threads and superkill foes as well.

Hipinion Pasterとは何ですか?

Hipinion Pasterはautarchによって開発されたChromeの拡張機能で、その主な機能は「Automatically generate bbcode when you paste links into a hipinion post. Users can hide threads and superkill foes as well.」です。



Hipinion Paster拡張機能のCRXファイルをダウンロード

Hipinion Paster拡張子のファイルをcrx形式でダウンロードし、ブラウザにChrome拡張機能を手動でインストールするか、crxファイルを友達と共有して簡単にChrome拡張機能をインストールします。


                        - Automatically generate bbcode for tweets, images, youtube, instagram, and soundcloud.
- Hide threads
- "Superkill" boarders in your killfile so that you don't even see the "display this post" option or quotes by them. Plus, you can "Megakill" them and threads created by the boarder will also be hidden.
- Explore one of hipinion's hidden gems: custom smilies. With our extension you can use the custom smiley browser to see all the cool homemade smileys that your fellow boarders have created, all while avoiding those pesky emojis. Smileys are better than emojis!!!

By: Autarch and Marza

change log:
6.8.3: update mod list
6.8: Ignore blank smileys
6.7: Add unlimited storage permission to fix 31g's bug
6.6: major improvements to smiley browser, including keyboard shortcut, better focusing, arrow key navigation, quick entering of smileys (with enter key) and exiting out of smiley browser with escape.
6.5: bug fix
6.4: Add custom smiley browser, disable posting emojis, refine emojiblock so that posts are not hidden, but emojis are not displayed.
6.2: bug fix
6.1: bug fix
6.0: hide all emojis, including entirety of all posts and thread titles containing emojis in order to preserve hpn culture.
5.5: minor bug fix
5.4: Add ability to block mods and admins with superkill and megakill
5.3: remove backwards compatibility with wysiwyg editor in order to fix tweet and spoiler bugs
5.2: Fix broken spoiler tag
5.1: Add compatibility for @ mentions
5.0: Parse/format posts from nathan's wysiwyg editor
4.4: Hide quotes by superkilled users
4.3: bug fix: filter store version out of hidden threads.
4.1: Separation of Superkill and Megakill. Superkilling hides the "display this post". Megakilling hides threads created by the user. A boarder must be superkilled in order to be megakilled.
4.0: Add ability to superkill users
3.1: Add ability to paste imgur links, even without file extension
3.0: Add ability to hide threads (not available on firefox for android)
2.2: Add keyboard shortcut (windows: Ctrl+Shift+K, mac: Command+Shift+K), bug fix.
2.0: Add support for Firefox for Android. Android (and desktop) functionality is available through browserAction.
1.1.3: Add support for images and remove params from tweet links
1.1.2: automatically remove queries from instagram links
1.1.1: Add firefox compatibility
1.0.1: updated alert, more strict regular expressions                    


名前 Hipinion Paster Hipinion Paster
ID dbdabioapjmfncikppbmfnnogojhlmdh
公式URL https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/hipinion-paster/dbdabioapjmfncikppbmfnnogojhlmdh
説明 Automatically generate bbcode when you paste links into a hipinion post. Users can hide threads and superkill foes as well.
ファイルサイズ 27.33 KB
インストール数 71
現在のバージョン 6.8.3
最終更新日 2023-06-24
公開日 2020-03-15
開発者 autarch
Eメール [email protected]
支払い方法 free
対応言語 en
    "update_url": "https:\/\/clients2.google.com\/service\/update2\/crx",
    "manifest_version": 2,
    "name": "Hipinion Paster",
    "version": "6.8.3",
    "description": "Automatically generate bbcode when you paste links into a hipinion post. Users can hide threads and superkill foes as well.",
    "permissions": [
    "background": {
        "scripts": [
    "content_scripts": [
            "matches": [
            "css": [
            "js": [
    "browser_action": {
        "default_title": "Hipinion Paste",
        "default_icon": {
            "16": "favico.png",
            "32": "favico.png"
    "icons": {
        "16": "favico.png",
        "48": "favico.png",
        "128": "favico.png"
    "commands": {
        "_execute_browser_action": {
            "suggested_key": {
                "default": "Ctrl+Shift+K"
        "open-smileys": {
            "description": "Open the smiley browser",
            "suggested_key": {
                "default": "Ctrl+Shift+U"