Qulu – Your Hulu Queue

Access your Hulu queue right from the toolbar! A badge shows you if you have anything to watch right now.

Qulu – Your Hulu Queueとは何ですか?

Qulu – Your Hulu QueueはTimothée Boucherによって開発されたChromeの拡張機能で、その主な機能は「Access your Hulu queue right from the toolbar! A badge shows you if you have anything to watch right now.」です。



Qulu – Your Hulu Queue拡張機能のCRXファイルをダウンロード

Qulu – Your Hulu Queue拡張子のファイルをcrx形式でダウンロードし、ブラウザにChrome拡張機能を手動でインストールするか、crxファイルを友達と共有して簡単にChrome拡張機能をインストールします。


                        Qulu lets you easily access your Hulu queue, right from your toolbar.

Get notified when you have new shows to watch, delete old videos and start watching the one you want in just two clicks!

Qulu adds a button to your toolbar that will display a badge with the number of videos in your queue. Click it and a popup will open with the list of your videos, ready to be watched! You can also do a bit of house-cleaning and remove videos you don't want to watch anymore.

Even better, you'll be warned when videos are about to expired so you can finally make the time to watch them before it's too late.

You can also get desktop notifications when new episodes arrived!                    


名前 Qulu – Your Hulu Queue Qulu – Your Hulu Queue
ID iggfkakbafpkgjaocfjaoehcclhcjckb
公式URL https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/qulu-%E2%80%93-your-hulu-queue/iggfkakbafpkgjaocfjaoehcclhcjckb
説明 Access your Hulu queue right from the toolbar! A badge shows you if you have anything to watch right now.
ファイルサイズ 654 KB
インストール数 1,063
現在のバージョン 0.7.5
最終更新日 2015-03-20
公開日 2015-03-20
評価 4.63/5 合計 41 レビュー
開発者 Timothée Boucher
支払い方法 free
対応言語 en
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