XPath Helper Wizard
Create XPath queries select similar elements and visualize the results.
XPath Helper Wizardとは何ですか?
XPath Helper WizardはDataMiner.ioによって開発されたChromeの拡張機能で、その主な機能は「Create XPath queries select similar elements and visualize the results.」です。
XPath Helper Wizard拡張機能のCRXファイルをダウンロード
XPath Helper Wizard拡張子のファイルをcrx形式でダウンロードし、ブラウザにChrome拡張機能を手動でインストールするか、crxファイルを友達と共有して簡単にChrome拡張機能をインストールします。
XPath Helper Wizard creates xpaths that are short and less likely to break if the website changes. IMPORTANT: After installing this extension, you must reload any existing tabs or restart Chrome for the extension to work. If parent Xpath field contains an Xpath then all the subsequent Xpaths are generated relative to that parent Xpath. How to use the extension: 1. Open a new tab and navigate to any webpage. 2. Hit Ctrl-Shift-X (or Command-Shift-X on OS X), or click the XPath Helper button in the toolbar, to open the XPath Helper console. 3. Hold down Shift as you mouse over elements on the page. The query box will continuously update to show the XPath query for the element below the mouse pointer, and the results box will show the results for the current query. 4. If desired, edit the XPath query directly in the console. The results box will immediately reflect your changes. 5. Repeat step (2) to close the console. If the console gets in your way, hold down Shift and then move your mouse over it; it will move to the opposite side of the page. One word of caution: When rendering HTML tables, Chrome inserts artificial tags into the DOM, which will consequently show up in queries extracted by this extension. Full Credits to Adam Sadovsky (https://github.com/google/xpaf) for creating a great tool.拡張機能の基本情報
名前 XPath Helper Wizard ID jadhpggafkbmpdpmpgigopmodldgfcki 公式URL https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/xpath-helper-wizard/jadhpggafkbmpdpmpgigopmodldgfcki 説明 Create XPath queries select similar elements and visualize the results. ファイルサイズ 139 KB インストール数 10,000 現在のバージョン 4.0.1 最終更新日 2020-04-25 公開日 2020-04-24 評価 2.72/5 合計 43 レビュー 開発者 DataMiner.io Eメール [email protected] 支払い方法 free プライバシーポリシーページのURL https://dataminer.io/privacy 対応言語 en manifest.json { "update_url": "https:\/\/clients2.google.com\/service\/update2\/crx", "manifest_version": 2, "name": "XPath Helper Wizard", "short_name": "XPath Helper Wizard", "version": "4.0.1", "description": "Create XPath queries select similar elements and visualize the results.", "background": { "page": "background.html" }, "browser_action": { "default_icon": { "19": "static\/icon_19x19.png", "38": "static\/icon_38x38.png" } }, "permissions": [ "activeTab" ], "icons": { "16": "static\/icon_16x16.png", "32": "static\/icon_32x32.png", "48": "static\/icon_48x48.png", "128": "static\/icon_128x128.png" }, "web_accessible_resources": [ "css\/bar.css", "bar.html", "js\/bar.js", "vendor\/underscore\/underscore-min.js", "static\/*.png" ], "content_security_policy": "script-src 'self' 'unsafe-eval' https:\/\/ssl.google-analytics.com; object-src 'self'" }