Anywish | Wishlists and online gift lists
Instantly add gift ideas to your Anywish wishlists, from any online store you're visiting.
Anywish | Wishlists and online gift listsとは何ですか?
Anywish | Wishlists and online gift listsはhttps://anywish.appによって開発されたChromeの拡張機能で、その主な機能は「Instantly add gift ideas to your Anywish wishlists, from any online store you're visiting.」です。
Anywish | Wishlists and online gift lists拡張機能のCRXファイルをダウンロード
Anywish | Wishlists and online gift lists拡張子のファイルをcrx形式でダウンロードし、ブラウザにChrome拡張機能を手動でインストールするか、crxファイルを友達と共有して簡単にChrome拡張機能をインストールします。
Click the Anywish extension button or right-click on an image, link, or selected text then select "Add to Anywish..." to add items to your wishlists. Your gift ideas are stored safely on your Anywish account. Visit from any device to organize your wishlists and share them. Your friends and family won't need to download anything or even open an account to see your list. Add the Anywish extension now and say goodbye to terrible gifts.
名前 | Anywish | Wishlists and online gift lists |
ID | llndhaljdlfpibaoneimjijoapkalckm |
公式URL | |
説明 | Instantly add gift ideas to your Anywish wishlists, from any online store you're visiting. |
ファイルサイズ | 10.42 MB |
インストール数 | 89 |
現在のバージョン | 2.0.3 |
最終更新日 | 2022-11-01 |
公開日 | 2021-04-02 |
開発者 | |
Eメール | [email protected] |
支払い方法 | free |
拡張機能のウェブサイト | |
プライバシーポリシーページのURL | |
対応言語 | en |
manifest.json | |
{ "update_url": "https:\/\/\/service\/update2\/crx", "name": "__MSG_extensionName__", "short_name": "__MSG_productName__", "author": "__MSG_productName__", "version": "2.0.3", "description": "__MSG_extensionDescription__", "homepage_url": "https:\/\/", "default_locale": "en", "permissions": [ "activeTab", "contextMenus", "identity", "storage", "https:\/\/*\/*" ], "content_security_policy": "script-src 'self' 'unsafe-eval' blob:; object-src 'self';", "background": { "page": "background.html" }, "browser_action": { "default_title": "__MSG_addItem__", "default_icon": { "16": "icons\/32.png", "32": "icons\/64.png", "48": "icons\/96.png", "64": "icons\/128.png", "128": "icons\/256.png" } }, "content_scripts": [ { "matches": [ "*:\/\/*\/*" ], "js": [ "content-scripts.js" ] } ], "web_accessible_resources": [ "chunk.*.js", "videos\/*.mp4" ], "options_ui": { "page": "options.html" }, "icons": { "16": "icons\/32.png", "32": "icons\/64.png", "48": "icons\/96.png", "64": "icons\/128.png", "128": "icons\/256.png" }, "manifest_version": 2 } |