Policy Highlights: Focus on Vital Keywords

Auto highlight important keywords on any privacy policy or terms of service to quickly find and understand critical sections.

Policy Highlights: Focus on Vital Keywordsとは何ですか?

Policy Highlights: Focus on Vital Keywordsはhttps://weareprivacy.comによって開発されたChromeの拡張機能で、その主な機能は「Auto highlight important keywords on any privacy policy or terms of service to quickly find and understand critical sections.」です。



Policy Highlights: Focus on Vital Keywords拡張機能のCRXファイルをダウンロード

Policy Highlights: Focus on Vital Keywords拡張子のファイルをcrx形式でダウンロードし、ブラウザにChrome拡張機能を手動でインストールするか、crxファイルを友達と共有して簡単にChrome拡張機能をインストールします。


                        Works with the below popular policy pages automatically:

- Privacy Policy
- Terms of Service
- Cookie Policy
- Disclosure Policy
- Disclaimer Policy
- Code of Conduct

Also works with many pages like:

- Legal pages
- Contract Signing pages
- Confirmation pages
- Agreement pages
- GDPR pages

Keywords will be highlighted automatically as you browse the web and visit policy related pages. Hovering over any highlighted keyword will show you information why that keyword may be vital. The highlighted keywords allow you to find sections you should focus on quickly without having to read the entire policy and feel overwhelmed. 

Policy highlights save you time and allow you to do a better job caring about your personal privacy.

- Primary keywords highlighted in yellow.
- Secondary keywords highlighted in orange.
- Hover over keyword details.
- Easy On/Off switch to activate or disable Policy Highlighting.

Why did we create policy highlights? 

Like us, you probably ignored a websites privacy policy and terms of service. You clicked "I accept" and moved on. But as the number of data breaches increased so did your concern for privacy, so you started to care. You tried to take a minute to read and understand each privacy policy or terms of service, but there where too many words to skim through.

Glad you found us because we had the same problem.

We started working on an open-source tool to automatically highlight important keywords and action words in policy documents. Hovering over each highlighted word told you what you can expect in that section. The tool has improved our readability of every privacy policy and terms of service we read from now on.

Do you care about your privacy? Want to quickly understand different policies?

Give Policy Highlights a try, install today.


Want to use and build on top of the tool yourself? Feel free.

GitHub: https://github.com/weareprivacy/weareprivacy-policy-highlights
NPM: https://www.npmjs.com/package/@weareprivacy/policy-highlights

Follow us on…
Twitter: https://twitter.com/weareprivacyapp | @weareprivacyapp
Web: https://weareprivacy.com                    


名前 Policy Highlights: Focus on Vital Keywords Policy Highlights: Focus on Vital Keywords
ID oiippbihabnhogpmofapffgbglkbemib
公式URL https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/policy-highlights-focus-o/oiippbihabnhogpmofapffgbglkbemib
説明 Auto highlight important keywords on any privacy policy or terms of service to quickly find and understand critical sections.
ファイルサイズ 131 KB
インストール数 492
現在のバージョン 1.0.4
最終更新日 2019-10-19
公開日 2019-10-19
評価 3.75/5 合計 4 レビュー
開発者 https://weareprivacy.com
支払い方法 free
拡張機能のウェブサイト https://weareprivacy.com
プライバシーポリシーページのURL https://weareprivacy.com/legal/privacy-policy
対応言語 en
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