WebRank Whois Lookup
Check WHOIS details including nameservers, contact information, registration details as well as creation and expiration dates.
WebRank Whois Lookup란 무엇입니까?
WebRank Whois Lookup은(는) https://whois.webrankstats.com에 의해 개발된 Chrome 확장 프로그램으로, 주요 기능은 "Check WHOIS details including nameservers, contact information, registration details as well as creation and expiration dates."입니다.
확장 프로그램 스크린샷
WebRank Whois Lookup 확장 프로그램 CRX 파일 다운로드
크롬 확장 프로그램을 crx 형식으로 다운로드하여 브라우저에 수동으로 설치하거나 crx 파일을 친구들과 공유하여 쉽게 크롬 확장 프로그램을 설치하세요.
확장 프로그램 사용 설명서
Get one click access to Whois information about a domain including nameservers being used by the website, registration details, hosting country as well as creation/expiration dates of the domain. → What is WHOIS? When you register a domain, your personal contact information given to the domain registrar is submitted to the Whois database, according to the guidelines of ICANN(Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers). Once it is available, it is accessible publicly by anyone through a WHOIS search tool such as ours at whois.webrankstats.com. There are generally two types of registrations: → Public WHOIS Database Listing This is the default listing in which your personal contact information including name, address, phone number, email address and domain name expiration date are all listed alongwith website hosting IP address as well as host name. → Private WHOIS Database Listing This type of listing can be used by providing a small fee to your domain registrar, this hides all your contact information and lists the contact information of your domain registrar in the WHOIS listing of your domain. → What WebRank WHOIS Lookup does? Our Chrome extension queries Whois database to find the listing of the domain requested and shows you the results in just a single click, therefore you don't even need to go to anywhere from the webpage you were on. Just click on the extension to get the information required. You can visit http://whois.webrankstats.com for a more detailed listing with much more information shown about the domain that is publicly available. Note: If your contact information is available through any Whois search tool including but not limited to WebRank Whois Lookup then it is available publicly for anyone to see, and the only way to change that is to get a private registration for your domain, which can be added anytime to an active domain.
확장 프로그램 기본 정보
이름 | WebRank Whois Lookup |
ID | ajebiiiaphmfaiookbhpepoongjejihh |
공식 URL | https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/webrank-whois-lookup/ajebiiiaphmfaiookbhpepoongjejihh |
설명 | Check WHOIS details including nameservers, contact information, registration details as well as creation and expiration dates. |
파일 크기 | 24.66 KB |
설치 횟수 | 7,148 |
현재 버전 | 1.0 |
최근 업데이트 | 2013-04-27 |
출시 날짜 | 2013-04-27 |
평점 | 2.80/5 총 15 개의 평점 |
개발자 | https://whois.webrankstats.com |
결제 유형 | free |
확장 프로그램 웹 사이트 | http://whois.webrankstats.com/ |
지원되는 언어 | en |
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