History Cleaner

Deletes history older than a specified amount of days.

History Cleaner란 무엇입니까?

History Cleaner은(는) Rayquaza01에 의해 개발된 Chrome 확장 프로그램으로, 주요 기능은 "Deletes history older than a specified amount of days."입니다.

확장 프로그램 스크린샷


History Cleaner 확장 프로그램 CRX 파일 다운로드

크롬 확장 프로그램을 crx 형식으로 다운로드하여 브라우저에 수동으로 설치하거나 crx 파일을 친구들과 공유하여 쉽게 크롬 확장 프로그램을 설치하세요.

확장 프로그램 사용 설명서

                        Chrome extension that deletes history older than a specified amount of days.

=== Options ===

* Behavior
    * Decides what history the extension will delete when it triggers.
    * Either disabled, delete old history, or delete all history.
    * Defaults to disabled, so the extension doesn't do anything until you configure it.
* Number of Days to Keep History
    * Delete history older than midnight on the specified number of days ago.
    * Only has effect if behavior is set to delete old history.
    * Defaults to 0.
* Trigger Mode
    * Whether the extension triggers on idle, on browser startup, or at a set interval.
    * Defaults to idle.
* Idle Length
    * Amount of time in seconds the browser should idle before triggering.
    * Only has effect if trigger mode is set to idle.
    * Defaults to 60, minimum 15.
* Timer Interval
    * Interval in minutes between triggering.
    * Only has effect if trigger mode is set to timer.
    * Defaults to 1440 (24 hours), Minimum 1

=== Permissions ===

* `history`
    * Used to clear browser history
* `storage`
    * Used to save user options
* `idle`
    * Used to detect when the browser is idle for the idle trigger mode
* `notifications`
    * Used to send a notification when history is cleared
    * Notifications are only sent if the user enables notifications in options
* `alarms`
    * Used to set a timer for the timer trigger mode.

=== Acknowledgements ===

Icons used in History Cleaner are from Pictogrammers (https://pictogrammers.com/), formerly Material Design Icons. (Pictogrammers Free License, https://pictogrammers.com/docs/general/license/)                    

확장 프로그램 기본 정보

이름 History Cleaner History Cleaner
ID epoabannnmjdknejdggkgjoebomipene
공식 URL https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/history-cleaner/epoabannnmjdknejdggkgjoebomipene
설명 Deletes history older than a specified amount of days.
파일 크기 62.89 KB
설치 횟수 558
현재 버전 1.5.0
최근 업데이트 2024-02-15
출시 날짜 2020-12-30
평점 5.00/5 총 5 개의 평점
개발자 Rayquaza01
이메일 [email protected]
결제 유형 free
확장 프로그램 웹 사이트 https://github.com/Rayquaza01/HistoryCleaner
도움말 페이지 URL https://github.com/Rayquaza01/HistoryCleaner/issues
지원되는 언어 en-US
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