Legrooms for Google Flights

Enhances Google Flights search by surfacing legrooms, carry-on restrictions and other amenities on search result list.

Co to jest Legrooms for Google Flights?

Legrooms for Google Flights to rozszerzenie Chrome opracowane przez dbugger, a jego główną funkcją jest „Enhances Google Flights search by surfacing legrooms, carry-on restrictions and other amenities on search result list.”.

Zrzuty ekranu rozszerzenia


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Instrukcja Użytkowania Rozszerzenia

                        Legrooms for Google Flights displays legrooms, carry-on restrictions and amenities alongside Google Flight search results for easy comparison.

About permission: Legrooms for Google Flights modifies displayed content on Google Flight website, and needs permission over www.google.com/flights. However, the permission notice dialog only mention www.google.com (omitting /flights).

When browsing for flights, we get a listing by cost, schedule and duration. For travelers who value comfort, comparing seat legroom takes more work. Google Flight has the information available after you selected a segment in the itinerary. Why not have the information on the search result too?

With this extension, legroom and carry-on information will be shown on the search result! It is time to show the airlines that we care about our comfort too.

Update 1.9.7 Fix layout to conform to changes on Google Flights website.

Update 1.9.6 Update extension to work with a new version of Google Flight that load first flight information with the page.

Update 1.9.5 Add support for dark mode.

Update 1.9.4 Update extension to work with new changes to Google Flights site.

Update 1.9.3 Update extension to work with new Google Flights URLs.                    

Podstawowe informacje o rozszerzeniu

Nazwa Legrooms for Google Flights Legrooms for Google Flights
ID nhonfddkgankhjilponlbdccpabaaknp
Oficjalny URL https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/legrooms-for-google-fligh/nhonfddkgankhjilponlbdccpabaaknp
Opis Enhances Google Flights search by surfacing legrooms, carry-on restrictions and other amenities on search result list.
Rozmiar pliku 27.87 KB
Liczba instalacji 79,203
Aktualna Wersja 1.9.7
Ostatnia Aktualizacja 2024-02-17
Data Publikacji 2019-11-03
Ocena 3.82/5 Łącznie 39 Oceny
Deweloper dbugger
E-mail [email protected]
Typ Płatności free
Strona Rozszerzenia https://github.com/dbugger/legroom
Adres URL Strony Pomocy https://github.com/dbugger/legroom/blob/master/docs/user_guide.md
Adres URL Strony Polityki Prywatności https://github.com/dbugger/legroom/blob/master/PRIVACY.md
Obsługiwane Języki en-US
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