
A humongous library of excellent text-based emojis just a click away.


JapaneseEmoticons是由nonlogicaldev开发的Chrome扩展程序,该扩展的主要功能是“A humongous library of excellent text-based emojis just a click away.”。






                        A convenient way to access a humongous library of emoticons. Perfect for all kinds of online interactions. 

Using it is very simple:
Once you go through the categories, simply click on the emoji and it automatically gets copied to your clipboard. NO MANUAL SELECTING REQUIRED.

There is something magical about Japanese emojis, they are a bit funky but unlike western ones they really excel at conveying emotions, and at the same time supported everywhere where unicode is allowed(count it as everywhere by now).

Unfortunately I could not find a worthwhile solution to get those emojis quickly without having to copy them from somewhere, and I missed the way you get to pick 'ascii' emojis on the iPhone. So this is my small homage to fill the missing niche that should have been filled a long time ago, yet somehow wasn't.

Have pleasure using it. Those for whom it was written will certainly appreciate it.

Emojis are provided by JapaneseEmoticons.net and jamieism.com.                    


名称 JapaneseEmoticons JapaneseEmoticons
ID fomablkkbmbjodfinocpjfakdieacgji
官方URL https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/japaneseemoticons/fomablkkbmbjodfinocpjfakdieacgji
简介 A humongous library of excellent text-based emojis just a click away.
文件大小 212 KB
安装次数 2,048
当前版本 1.2
更新时间 2020-02-05
上架时间 2020-02-05
评分 4.59/5 共41次评分
开发者 nonlogicaldev
付费类型 free
扩展官网 https://github.com/NonLogicalDev/app.ext.chrome.japanese-emoticons
支持的语言 en
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