Origin by GPTZero - ChatGPT and AI Detector
Detect AI-generated text wherever you go - powered by GPTZero.
什麼是Origin by GPTZero - ChatGPT and AI Detector?
Origin by GPTZero - ChatGPT and AI Detector是由https://gptzero.me開發的Chrome擴展程式,該擴展的主要功能是“Detect AI-generated text wherever you go - powered by GPTZero.”。
下載Origin by GPTZero - ChatGPT and AI Detector擴展crx文件
下載Origin by GPTZero - ChatGPT and AI Detector擴展crx格式的文件,手動將Chrome擴充功能安裝到瀏覽器中,也可以將crx文件分享給朋友,輕鬆安裝Chrome擴充功能。
Origin by GPTZero allows you to scan text to check if it was written by an AI or a human. You can use Origin on any website, either highlighting and right-clicking text or copy-pasting text into the Origin text box. With Origin, you can instantly determine what content was written by a human or AI anywhere on the internet for free. On Google Docs, the Origin extension allows writers to prove they created their own work. We combine AI detection with the powerful ability to replay your document edit history and share a report verifying the human involvement during writing. GPTZero is used and trusted by millions of educators and institutions and recognized by The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and Washington Post. Download Origin by GPTZero now to get a deeper look past AI Detection. 📝Google Docs Writing Report 1. Detects ChatGPT, GPT-4, GPT-3.5, GPT-3, and other AI language models. 2. One-click AI Detection -- no copying and pasting required 3. Highlights areas of text that are most likely AI generated 4. Watch the writing process: See edits to a Google Doc in a time-lapse fashion 5. Detects if content was copy-pasted from an outside source i.e ChatGPT ⚡️Using Origin is easy, and installation takes seconds. 1. Click "Add to Chrome". 2. Click on the extension icon, and pin Origin to the extensions bar. 3. No need to log in or set up. Simply start using Origin AI Detection for free. 4. Highlight and right-click to scan with Origin. 5. Open a Google Doc that you have edit access to and view the Writing Report ❓How it works 1. GPTZero AI detection utilizes machine learning by training a classification model to recognize and analyze differences in human and AI writing structures, and word choice. 2. GPTZero is the most accurate and trusted AI detector, verified by multiple independent sources, including TechCrunch, which called us the best and most reliable AI detector. Read more about our technology at https://gptzero.me/technology. We’re continually releasing new features and functionalities to help you get the most from Origin. Join 20,000+ teachers on our newsletter to learn more about our updates or check out the GPTZero news page at https://news.gptzero.me.
名稱 | Origin by GPTZero - ChatGPT and AI Detector |
ID | kgobeoibakoahbfnlficpmibdbkdchap |
官方網址 | https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/origin-by-gptzero-chatgpt/kgobeoibakoahbfnlficpmibdbkdchap |
簡介 | Detect AI-generated text wherever you go - powered by GPTZero. |
檔案大小 | 1.22 MB |
安裝次數 | 61,974 |
目前版本 | 2024.3.0 |
更新時間 | 2024-02-12 |
上架時間 | 2023-05-02 |
評分 | 4.03/5 共 77 次評分 |
開發者 | https://gptzero.me |
電子郵箱 | [email protected] |
付費類型 | free |
擴展官網 | https://gptzero.me |
說明頁面URL | https://gptzero.me/contact-us |
隱私政策頁面URL | https://gptzero.me/privacy-policy.html |
支援的語言 | en |
manifest.json | |
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