LeeL Blog

Blog for free using Evernote and Github.

什麼是LeeL Blog?

LeeL Blog是由https://leel.systems開發的Chrome擴展程式,該擴展的主要功能是“Blog for free using Evernote and Github.”。



下載LeeL Blog擴展crx文件

下載LeeL Blog擴展crx格式的文件,手動將Chrome擴充功能安裝到瀏覽器中,也可以將crx文件分享給朋友,輕鬆安裝Chrome擴充功能。


                        Blog for free using Evernote and Github.

LeeL Blog allows you blog for free using Evernote (www.evernote.com) as your post editor and Github (www.github.com) as your website host. 

Using our blog template, you can create your new blog in seconds, without any programming experience nor hassle. 

You can choose to post in standard HTML or the well known Markdown syntax of formatting.

If you are a web designer or a programmer and would like fully customize your blog appearance, you can use the power of Github to track your modifications and work together with your team. 

Already have a Github page? No problem, LeeL Blog is able to post on existing Github pages improving your post experience and reducing the time you spend to maintain your site today.

Why would you pay for similar services like www.postach.io if you can have it for free and with more publishing options?

Why would you pay for a host service like www.wordpress.com or opt to have storage limits and ads on your website if you can have it for free without any limitation and have your site hosted in a reliable company as Github?

If you are like us and believe that everyone has the right to easily and freely disseminate ideas, give LeeL Blog a try!                    


名稱 LeeL Blog LeeL Blog
ID pdjklphpoinlmfhpmalbaaddmebcghjh
官方網址 https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/leel-blog/pdjklphpoinlmfhpmalbaaddmebcghjh
簡介 Blog for free using Evernote and Github.
檔案大小 3.94 MB
安裝次數 81
目前版本 0.5
更新時間 2015-07-29
上架時間 2015-07-28
評分 5.00/5 共 1 次評分
開發者 https://leel.systems
付費類型 free
擴展官網 http://leel-systems.github.io/LeeL-Blog/
支援的語言 en
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